Medit Inc. presents a new revolutionary unit, which offers operators a video image of the inspection area.
Often we need portable devices for inspection needs. With the help of a new Portable Monitor Type Flexible Borescope you can discover new possibilities to inspect areas. This Borescope is equipped with a powerful LED Light Source, 3.5” TFT display screen, internal CMOS camera chip in the tip. It is able to capture images and video. Though it is quite compact, this Borescope can perform all types of remote visual inspections, similar to any traditional industrial Borescope. Its working length 1 - 30 m, diameter of probe 5.5 mm. You can change videoprobes. A bright TFT monitor allows better communicating and understanding when discussing with your clients about the inspections.
The unit’s 5.5mm outer diameter can easily access small spaces including the spark plug holes of gasoline or diesel engines. The extra-wide angle camera takes pictures up to 640x480 resolution. You can save pictures and video of your inspection areas to SD card.
Discover the World of Medit Borescopes, Fiberscopes and Videoscopes!
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